Moxy Hotel Launch, Southampton

During the second week of January, the Soton Bloggers were invited to the launch of the brand new Moxy Hotel in Southampton. Moxy is one of the many brands under the Marriott umbrella, with this particular hotel located on Harbour Parade, which means it’s right next to West Quay shopping centre.

On their website, Marriott separate their hotels into subgroups and Moxy falls into their 'distinctive select' category, whatever that means! They state that the hotels offers 'cozy rooms' with social spaces and a 'fun experience at the right price'. To me, when I picture Marriott, I see their high end brands in my head so I find it very interesting that they are looking to compete in this space. They feel like they are trying to take on Premier Inns, Hoilday Inns etc, but with a fun twist.

When you head over to the Moxy website, you are given a taste of the relaxed, fun vibe they are trying to create with this brand. They are clearly aiming at a younger client group, and I feel this was very apparent with their launch.

The first thing you notice (well the first thing I noticed at least) was the Butlers in the Buff serving bubbles when we walked in. One look around and the decor is very modern and the spaces are very ‘instagam-able’, another tip that Moxy are aiming at a hip, playful demographic. 

Vast open staircase leading to meeting spaces and bedrooms

The entrance has a huge bar and loads of different places of seating and so on. It’s a very social space while still being very functional. Up the stairs and you are taken to meeting spaces and a mezzanine level before going on to the bedrooms. 

One of the meeting spaces on offer at Moxy, Southampton

They could have so easily left the bedrooms open for people to pop their heads in and see in their normal set up, but wanting to continue the playful theme running throughout, they had one room set up as a pillow fight room and another set up as a karaoke room. Such an amazing way to showcase what could be a boring, but practical space. 

Pillow fight room

Bathroom with a twist 

The rooms themselves were a really good size. I would say perfect for business trips or short stays. I personally wouldn’t want to stay too long as to maximise space, there is no wardrobe so it would be a bit of a pain if you to stay longer than a few nights or you don’t travel light. But for a short stop over it’s perfect. 

Some of the Soton Bloggers with Hunks in Trunks

I really enjoyed the Moxy Hotel launch and from what was said, the Moxy brand will be rolling out new hotels in a number of locations, so keep an eye out for one near you. 

(All pictures taken & owned by SistersDineOut unless otherwise stated)

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